Offering Storage Solutions &
Complete B2B and B2C fulfillment
Our goal at MCF is to offer our customers new and exclusive marketplace opportunities, and allow for seamless operations for B2B and B2C order fulfillment.
"MCF" (Meekins Corp Fulfillment) Center can handle all of your fulfillment needs, including storage solutions, inventory management, B2B, and B2C order shipping and handling.
Our systems can integrate directly with your existing online sales channels in order to quickly and efficiently fulfill online customer orders, including (but not limited to):


Ecommerce, Drop Ship, B2C/D2C Order Fulfillment:
$2.50 / order, processing and handling
$0.50 / order, materials fee
Wholesale Order Fulfillment:

$2.50 / order processing and handling
$0.25 / unit pick/pack fee
$2.00 / order repack fee in case order needs to be packed in new materials
Storage Options:

Bin Storage: $99/mo
Up to 2’ x 2’ x 4’. Over 16cft auto-increases to Standard Storage space
Standard Storage: $199/mo
Up to 5’ x 10’ x 10’. No limit storage option. Over 500cft rolls over into next bin or standard size to be billed at max usage/mo.
Special Requests and Manual Labor:

No job is too big or too small! We can handle any special requests:
Amazon product preparation and FBA consulting
Sticker Labeling and UPC Application
Packaging Changes and Kitting
Carry-service to trade shows & events
We can also handle your sales!
Contact us for more information about these or other business opportunities.
We look forward to taking good care of your fulfillment needs no matter how big or small!